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Meet The Wedding Planner at Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel

Plan the perfect wedding at Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel

Planning the perfect wedding reception and getting everything just as you'd like it, means that there are lots of choices you'll need to make and lots of details to attend to. That might seem like quite a task - that is if you hadn't the expertise of our hotel wedding planner to call on.

You'll find that our wedding planner has the experience to understand exactly what you have in mind, to know clearly what works best and just how to add those special touches that will make all the difference to you and your guests.

Explore ideas with our wedding planner - celebrations pre and post your wedding perhaps, private dining for your bridal party the day before, a brunch maybe the next day, get together with your bridesmaids to make plans over Afternoon Tea in the lead up to your wedding day.

Allow our Wedding Planner to create the perfect celebration for you. 

For your personal appointment, at a time convenient to you, call our events team on T: 056 7750208 or Email: events@kilkennyormonde.com